Children are the hope and the future of our world. On the occasion of today’s World Children’s Day, we as adults should take the responsibility to try every day to actively safeguard Children’s Rights, since they are not able to do this on their own!
One of these is the right to Equal and Shared Parenting and Equal Contact Time with BOTH PARENTS, especially after a separation! Greek society is ready to accept this in year 2020! We owe it to our children!
Greek legislation and institutions lag far behind with regard to the recommendations of the Council of Europe * and modern research on healthy and happy children.
Among others, Greece is called on to:
- “ensure that family law foresees, in case of separation or divorce, the possibility of joint custody of children, in their best interests…”
- “ensure that parents have equal rights with regard to their children … guaranteeing each parent the right to be informed and to have a say in important decisions affecting their child’s life… “
- “remove from its laws any difference based on marital status between parents who have acknowledged their child… “
- “introduce into its laws the principle of shared (alternating) residence following a separation, limiting any exceptions to cases of child abuse or neglect, or domestic violence…”
- “make the parents aware that shared (alternating) residence may be an appropriate option in the best interests of the child, and to work towards such a solution…”
“Active Dads, for the Rights of the Child”